Tis the season once again! For whip cracking in the snow that is. I took it upon myself to do a brief video about that subject. It was only one take because it was cold. I noticed now I'm cracking in automode. But that Foxx Indy whip sure moves well! Also once again I've been lucky to be featured on another blog! Once again I"m on Northeast Whips Blog regarding the Nylon DeLongis whips. Let me once again say that this whip is awesome and I highly recommend it! As I told Mary DeLongis "If I've ever handled another whip outside the Jacka that handles like it and does justice to The System, this one is up there" I think that's all I have to say really. Here is a comparison shot of my two DeLongis Whips

Not much else going on right now. I AM planning another seminar this spring, dates will be announced soon. Next up on the blog will be a bit about targeting.